> Required Combination Material
- 1(one) +9 Level 2 Wing with +4 option or higher
- 1(one) +7 item with +4 option or higher(s).
- 1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation and 10 Stacked Jewel of Soul.
> Combination Success Result
- 1 Feather of Condor
1) 2nd Combination
> Required Combination Material
- 1(one) +9 Exc. item with +4 or higher option.
- 1 Feather of Condor, 1 Flame of Condor.
- 1 Jewel of Chaos, 1 Jewel of Creation, 10 Stacked Jewel of Soul and 10 Stacked Jewel of Bless.
> Combination Success Result
- 3rd Level Wing (s) (random combination)

Flame of Condor : Drop only at Barrack of Ballgass

Feather of Condor : Combined Item